The Cognitive Ability Test measures an individual’s ability, speed of problem solving and learning styles. The Cognitive Ability Tests assess how quickly the candidate will:

   Adapt to new changes
   Grasp new concepts
   See new opportunities

It is a measure of how well people can solve problems, process information and learn new things.

The Attitude Assessment measures counter-productive behavior’s during the pre-hire screening process.

Computer access, benefit or vulnerability?
We hear the stories frequently of employees taking advantage of customer and employee personal information. Just being careless can cost the company it´s reputation and money to recover from inappropriate use of information.

Who's stealing from you?
Do you know what shrinkage is costing you? Theft is on the rise from a surprising group, perhaps from employees who have been productive and honest but now face desperate times. Screening for poor attitudes around honesty and theft is critical.

Honesty & Integrity Testing
Research demonstrates that honesty and integrity testing can help to predict counterproductive workplace behaviour.
Assessing a candidate’s attitudes towards behavior’s (such as work reliability, hostility & aggression, absenteeism, computer misuse, sexual harassment), employers can identify individuals who have stricter attitudes and are inherently less likely to steal, lie or be absent from work - an important element is establishing "Company Fit".
Screening out applicants with lenient attitudes towards these counterproductive behaviour leads to:

   Reduced shrinkage
   Reduced absenteeism
   Lower levels of inappropriate workplace behaviour
   Reduced involuntary turnover

Employing candidates that are inherently less likely to engage in theses counterproductive behaviours will mean that you are employing candidates that are likely to contribute positively to a high reliability culture within the organization.