Personality Questionaire

Your personality has a huge influence on who you are personally and professionally. In fact, personality plays an essential role in explaining some of the variation in work performance; some people are well organised, some are care free. Some people are shy, some are more outgoing. Some people are warm and friendly; some are more skeptical and direct. Some people are creative and open to new ideas, some people prefer structure and rules.

The good news is that there is a place for everyone in the variety of jobs available. The bad news is that personality mismatches, or recruiting people with poor job fit, in the hiring process can lead to unnecessary employee turnover and underperformance in your work teams. This employee turnover and and underperformance costs your business time and money, whereas recruiting people with a good job and company fit will pay you in dividends.

Establishing A Candidates Job Fit

High quality personality assessments are built upon a set of five stable and measurable elements, called traits, that are referred to as the "Big Five".

Scales Measured

Describes the degree to which the individual is persistent, motivated, and organized, ranging from being highly disciplined and dependable to being carefree.

Describes the degree to which the person is pleasant and agreeable, ranging from being warm, tolerant, and tactful, to being tough-minded, skeptical and direct.

Describes the degree to which the individual is predictable, rules oriented and structured, to being open to new ideas, adventuresome and inconsistent.

Describes the style and focus of an individual’s emotional energy, ranging from being outgoing, dominant, ambitious, and sociable, to being introverted, shy, and quiet.

Involves the degree to which an individual is emotionally stable and resistant to stress, ranging from being well-adjusted, calm, self-confident, and poised, to being sensitive and anxious.

In addition, a Teamwork scale is included that measures the applicant’s attitudes towards teamwork versus individualised work environments.
Test Summary

Test: Engagement Survey

Measures: Commitment to the Job and the Employer

  • Conscientiousness
  • Likeability
  • Unconventional
  • Extroversion
  • Stability
  • Plus Team & Good Impression Scales

Predicts: Current levels of engagement with their current or most recent job and employer.

Questions: 30 Questions

Time: Approximately 5 minutes (untimed assessment)

Price: Contact for Pricing Plans